Gabriel Knight Omnipedia

Homunculus is golem like creature. There is an article in the Sidney by Cameron Preston about Homunculi.


The alchemist Paracelsus once proposed that he had created a false human being through his science. Called a homunculus, this creature stood no more than 12 inches tall and does the work usually associated with a golem. However, after a short time, the homunculus was known to turn on it's creator and run awya. The recipe consisted of a bag of bones, sperm, skin fragments and hair from any animal you wanted it to be a hybrid of. This was to be laid in the ground surrounded by horse manure for forty days, at which point the embryo would form. This supposed beast relied upon the theories of spontaneous generation.

Behind the scenes[]

The article in Sidney is not categorized to either the Schattenjager archives or to the Mystica.
