Gabriel Knight Omnipedia

Solomon was a king of Isreal (1000 BC) reknown for his wisdom. He was the son of David and Bathsheba, an illicit and adulterous liason. To Solomon fell the great task of building a Temple to Jehovah. Although his father, David, dreamt of this task, and made many of the preliminary arrangements, Jehovah told David he would not be allowed to actually bwild the temple because he had shed blood. The honor, therefore, went to his son and successor, Solomon.

Solomon was famous even beyond the bounds of Isreal, and had many wives, both Hebrew and foreign. He even married a Pharaoh's daughter. He is the alledged author of the Song of Solomon (about his Egyptian bride) and Ecclesiastes.

For reasons that are not entirely clear, Solomon is a key figure in various non-Hebrew religions and societies, where the Temple of Solomon has taken on mythical, symbolic overtones. See, for example, Freemasons.

The Seal of Solomon is a six-pointed star or hexagram.
